Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Follow The Money...

Something fishy is going on, this pissing match between the N.Y. Gov. and the N.Y. Mayor just seemed a little personal. So i did a little digging. It seems there's a lot of interest in Homeless shelters, and i mean Interest (Dividends) 70 new shelters are waiting for contracts, some up and running in the city. At 200+ beds a piece, and HRA(Taxpayers) paying up to $4,000.00 per family per month...That's roughly $56,000,000 per month in revenue for the owner of these facilities. So then you start peeling these layers down, and you start seeing building contracts, zoning, Special Interest groups, Unions, and Lobbyists all have a hand in this deal gone bad. Or has it gone bad. A chance to rake in millions a month in revenue isn't that bad, Is it? Even at the expense of 15,000 families, thousands of landlords, and countless other trickle down victims?


If you are an Advantage tenant, and you've come across this website, Please Hurry, If you have recieved a notification in the mail, stating your subsidy will be cut, you have sixty(60) days from this notice to apply for a fair hearing. This is not true. YOU HAVE 10 DAYS FROM THE DATE ON THIS LETTER to apply for a fair hearing. The city is obligated to pay your rent until your hearing date. YOU MUST NOT WAIT. Continue to pay your portion of the rent. DO NOT VACATE your apartments in fear, the proper lawful channels still apply. you do not have to take this lying down. FIGHT!!! DO YOU REMEMBER THAT SHELTER? DO YOU WANT TO GO BACK!!!! WELL FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!!! YOU ARE A CITIZEN TOO!!!! DON'T BE WHAT THEY THINK WE ARE. THEY ARE BUILDING 70 NEW SHELTERS IN THE CITY JUST WAITING FOR YOUR RETURN. WILL YOU BE THERE?  Let's make'em build all that sh!% in vein.

Advantage...Kaput? Follow these links for info
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